The doctors at Eye Care Associates of Nevada are providing care to patients with ocular conditions which require dose monitoring, pharmacological intervention, and/or surgical intervention. For that reason, we will not be closing our doors at this time. Some patients are in the middle of a course of treatment where the clinical improvements would be set back or completely reversed without finishing the course. Many elective surgical procedures have been cancelled except for cases reviewed by the physicians who determined it to be detrimental to the patient to delay the procedure. We are also serving in an emergency evaluation capacity for many local Optometrists which have closed their offices. Routine appointments have been cancelled and a doctor is reviewing the remaining patient’s charts to determine if their condition is such that there is a greater potential of harm if the appointment is cancelled.
The appointments have been spaced out to minimize the number of people in the clinic. Each patient will be given a screening survey and have their temperature taken upon entering the facility. If the patient presents with a temperature and survey questions are answered in the affirmative, they will be given a mask and directed to call their primary care physician or the Washoe County hotline for further instructions. If the patient clears the screening process, they will be directed to wait in their car until called to avoid congregating in the lobby. Frequently touched surfaces in the lobby, bathrooms and common areas are sanitized with antibacterial/antiviral wipes at least once every two hours. Each exam room will be thoroughly cleaned with wipes after each patient exits. Proper social distancing is to be observed with patients when possible. Our custodian is deep cleaning the office at the end of every business day.
Staff has been instructed on proper, frequent hand-washing and the use of hand sanitizer. All staff will also have their temperature recorded at the beginning of each shift and will be sent home to self-isolate if 99.5 or above. All employees have been given the option to stay at home without fear of repercussion if they so desire. Employees who are sick will be sent home.